Finish MMD programme by European Doctorate
When student is close to finishing PhD studies and submitting the doctoral thesis, final formal activities are needed:
Submit thesis - Doctoral thesis needs to be formally submitted using general processes applied at given Faculty of MU. Thesis must be prepared in English. Student communicates with corresponding study department at his/her Faculty and finalizes/submits the thesis to IS MUNI.
Defend in European Doctorate mode - After the thesis is successfully submitted, student informs the MMD Administrator by email. MMD Administrator sends reminder to the Doctoral Board Head with instructions on formal requirements regarding the European Doctorate. Doctoral Board will assure that defence meets the criteria of MUNI Mendel Doctorandus:
- Defending PhD within standard period of study i.e. within 4+1 years.
- Presentation and PhD defence are conducted in English.
- Reports on thesis (reviews) are submitted by at least two evaluators who are independent from MUNI. Reviewers are from university or research institutes from different European country other than CZ (It is highly advisable not to include SK either).
- At least one member of jury (committee for PhD defence) is from European higher education institution outside of CZ or SK.
Get your MMD and European Doctorate Certificates - Congratulations! If you successfully defended, your certificates will be issued!
- Student sends a brief email information that PhD thesis was defended to MMD Administrator, who will communicate with Faculty study department and prepare the Certificate
- MMD and European Doctorate Certificate is issued as additional annex to official PhD Diploma. Awarding ceremony is organized annually as a part of PhD Day (September)
How do I apply for a European Doctorate?
The application must be submitted via the IS in the Document Office application. It is recommended to apply for the European Doctorate together with the application for the dissertation defence. Instructions for the application are shown below in 3 steps: