How to Join to the MMD Programme?
Important Dates
Deadline for submitting the application: February 10, 2025
Candidates will be informed after evaluation till: February 14, 2025
- Students interested in applying are required to fill in and submit the Application Dossier
- Download the MS Word template document, fill it and submit it as a single PDF document
- Completed Application Dossiers should be uploaded for evaluation (the link for upload is below on this page)
Requirements in a Nutshell
Each Semester
- Enroll into MMD course in IS MUNI which allows to record all your efforts and progress
- Build soft and transferable skills through diverse courses and seminars (One activity or training per academic year corresponding to minimum of 8 hours)
- Complete and submit the semesteral MMD report
- Participate in interdisciplinary training activities - elective lectures, ad hoc courses at MUNI or at other institutions, on-line courses etc. (Eight interdisciplinary seminars (1-1.5h each) or other activities, such as secondments in research infrastructural facilities, interdisciplinary summer school)
Once during the studies
- Participate at placement abroad of minimum 3 months continuously
- To obtain the European Doctorate, the placement abroad has to be not interrupted and conducted at another European university
European Doctorate – thesis presentation and defense
- Presentation and PhD defense are conducted in English.
- One member of your PhD defence committee, as well as at least two reviewers, are international experts (must be from Europe, outside of CZ/SK. No affiliation to MUNI)
- For full details on requirements and procedures read the MUNI Mendel Doctorandus Main document
Need more information about the MMD programme?
How to fill in the Application Dossier correctly to increase your chances of being accepted into the program? These and other questions were answered in the MMD Online Session. Watch the video to learn more information about the MMD programme and how to complete the application dossier in the best possible way.
Or check section Questions and Answers for students of MUNI Mendel Doctorandus.
Prepare and submit application to MMD
The application to MUNI Mendel Doctorandus programme is open to doctoral students at participating faculties of Masaryk University (SCI, MED, PHARM, SPORT, CEITEC) who are enrolled in years 1-3 of the studies (i.e. 1st to 8th semester) during the date of the application deadline.
Student is required to consult his/her intention to participate in MMD with the supervisor, and fill in the Application dossier using the MS Word template (download here). The Application dossier contains following pieces of information:
- Motivation letter (prepared by the applicant)
- Description of previous activities of the student related to:
- interdisciplinary training and courses
- soft skills and career development trainings
- Letter from supervisor – expressing the support to student and interest to support MMD programme
- Letter from doctoral board – expressing support to student and interest to support MMD
The application dossier should be submitted as a single PDF document by uploading it below on this site by the deadline date at the latest.
The application will be evaluated by MMD Committee, and you will be informed about the outcome within 1-2 weeks with further detailed instructions how to enroll and how to become active in MMD.
Enroll to MMD, fullfil requirements, submit semestral reports
In case of positive evaluation of the application dossier, student is invited to officially join MMD by enrolling into the XD007 „MUNI Mendel Doctorandus“ course in IS MUNI for a given semester (and then enrolling repeatedly for all following semesters of the student´s participation in MMD).
The XD007 programme (MMD course) in IS MUNI allows to monitor student´s activities and progress in MMD. It is used to register student´s attendance to centrally offered interdisciplinary and soft skill courses and seminars that are listed later on this page. In addition, a brief report (MMD Semester Report) is prepared at the end of each semester and submitted by the student to the XD007 course homework vault.
In addition or as an alternative to the centrally offered trainings, MMD students are also encouraged to actively benefit from other opportunities to get interdisciplinary and soft skills trainings that are provided by third parties. These include - for example – courses and trainings organized by other universities or educational institutions as well as on line courses. Students are also invited to participate at summer schools, secondments at non-academic partners, stays in professional research infrastructures or core laboratories.
At the end of each semester, student prepares a brief Student´s MMD Semestral report (using the template available for download), which is used to confirm compliance with the MMD criteria, i.e.:
- Obligatory 3 month placement abroad
- Interdisciplinary education and trainings (number of hours spent on mentioned activity)
- Soft skills courses and activities (number of hours spent on mentioned activity)
- Continuous support from student´s supervisor