The new call for the MMD applications is now open!
    The deadline for uploading is February 10, 2025.

*Starting from the fall semester of 2024, MUNI Mendel Doctorandus students will no longer need to provide proof of minimum income. This requirement will no longer be necessary for new applicants to the MMD programme, but also for the current students when submitting their semester report.

The 4 Benefits of MUNI Mendel Doctorandus by Kamil Sobek

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  1. Experience across departments is very different from the perspective of a PhD student. Being part of the MMD blurs these differences, and as a result, if you were unhappy with your current PhD direction, this can help turn the tides.
  2. Courses, lectures, events and everything you had no idea was happening at the faculty / MUNI are served to you on a silver platter; now, all you have to do is choose.
  3. You are part of something bigger. The community created by joint action of the Faculty of Science (SCI MUNI), Faculty of Medicine (MED MUNI), Faculty of Pharmacy (PHARM MUNI), Faculty of Sports Studies (SPORT MUNI) and CEITEC MU creates an excellent foundation for interdisciplinary cooperation.
  4. You will be awarded an internationally recognized "European Doctorate" + "MMD International Certificate" at the end of your studies. From the point of view of my recent experience looking for a job, these certificates were essential, and together with a quality educational background from MUNI, I succeeded among the competition of applicants.

 Be a proud member of the MMD programme and download the logo of MMD to your outlook signature.

The Successful Graduates of the MMD Programme

Mgr. Eliška Pivrncová, PhD

Mgr. Eliška Pivrncová, PhD

Gaduated at Faculty of Science
Programme: Environmental Health Sciences (5/11/2024)
Currently at:The Institute of Microbiology of the CAS - Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology

Mgr. Veronika Farková, PhD

Mgr. Veronika Farková, PhD

Gaduated at Faculty of Science
Programme: Biochemistry (11/9/2024)
Currently at: BUT

Ludovic Thierry Mayer, PhD

Ludovic Thierry Mayer, PhD

Gaduated at Faculty of Science
Programme: Chemodynamics of Environmental Pollution (5/9/2024)
Currently at: /

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